Types of Research
Types of Research

M.Á.S.T. Market and Public Opinion Poll Company conducts any and all market research in compliance with the ESOMAR international standards. Our expertise enables us to offer our Clients a wide palette of research types. M.Á.S.T. primarily offers the following types of research:
Desk research (the systematic collection and analysis of secondary data)
Field research (the systematic collection and analysis of primary data)
Qualitative Research
- Deep-interview (qualitative interview)
- Focus groups
- Mini focus groups
- Delphi method
Quantitative Research
- Surveys
- Telephone
- Personal (PAPI/CAPI),
- Electronic
- Observation
- Experiments
- Mystery shopping / Mystery calling
Sampling methods
In the course of conducting quantitative research, our primary sampling method is random sampling (simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling and nested sampling). Should the research at hand demand something other than random sampling, we most often utilize quota or snowball sampling methods.
Data Registration
In the course of our survey-based research, recording of data is done by interviewers specifically trained for the given field of research according to the method outlined in the sampling methodology. Surveys are carried out following the approval of questionnaires by the Client.