
A characteristic of the tourism sector is that tourists (consumers) have a special attitude before, during and after the trip. According to our experience, service providers in the sector pay more and more attention to ensuring that their customers receive services that meet their expectations, but for this they need relevant market information.
Our special services for the sector are as follows:
- examination of travel habits (motivations, attitudes, habits, information gathering, etc.),
- competitor analysis, destination studies,
- establishment of business plans and strategies,
- segmentation of tourists (consumers),
- tourist satisfaction surveys,
- external and internal image tests,
- pre-testing and measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and marketing actions,
- defining the range of users located in the service provider’s territory but not using the service,
- mystery shopping.
Our databases and contact system make it possible to interview any special professional sample, either in person, on the phone, or in the context of focus group research.
We also undertake international research with the help of our partner companies.
The language skills of our interviewers also make it possible to interview tourists who choose Hungary as a destination.
Since its establishment, M.Á.S.T. Kft. cooperated in more than thirty tourism research conducted for Magyar Turizmus Zrt.